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Ready to see the difference? Schedule a free consultation today and discover how Klorbo can help you cut your SaaS costs and start saving right away.

Some A’s to your Q’s

Don't worry, we've got you covered. Explore our FAQ section to unlock the mysteries and discover the answers you seek.
What is onboarding like?

Very simple. We ask you for basic information about your SaaS subscriptions in order to analyze each of them. Only if necessary, we will ask you for a brief call to align needs, urgencies, and other topics. With that, you're ready to move forward

How much can I save?

This depends on the stack of tools and the number of users you use. We have seen savings of up to 30% of total enterprise SaaS spending.

How are Klorbo's fees calculated?

On the benefits obtained by the client as a result of our intervention, on a temporary basis estimated over the life of the outstanding agreement (e.g.: if a client has a 12-month SaaS agreement in force, our team generates benefits with impact on the last 10 months of the life of the referred agreement, generating savings of $10,000 calculated based on a monthly savings of $1,000 per month (10 months times $ 1,000/month = $10,000), the fee to be charged will be $4,000.

What happens if no savings are generated, do I have to pay anything?

No. Our fees are paid only if we generate savings.

How long do negotiations take?

This depends on the stack of tools your company uses. We have seen cases where in just a few days we have genuine savings to approve for our customers.

Which SaaS do you negotiate?

All of them. But we have a clear understanding of which are negotiable and which are not.